The Recess Queen: Inspiring Kindness, Friendship, and Inclusion

The Recess Queen

by Alexis O'Neill and Laura Huliska-Beith

About this Story

"Kindness, friendship, and inclusion."

“The Recess Queen” by Alexis O’Neill and Laura Huliska-Beith is a delightful children’s book that teaches important lessons about kindness, friendship, and inclusion.


The story revolves around a recess queen named Mean Jean, who rules the playground with an iron fist. No one dares to challenge her until a new student named Katie Sue arrives. Katie Sue, with her friendly and inclusive nature, tries to befriend Mean Jean and show her the power of kindness.


Through vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, the book beautifully portrays the transformation of Mean Jean from a bully to a friend. It highlights the importance of treating others with respect and embracing diversity.


The authors skillfully tackle the subject of bullying in a relatable and accessible way for young readers. They emphasize the value of empathy and understanding, teaching children that everyone deserves to be included and valued for who they are.

“The Recess Queen” is not only an enjoyable read but also an important tool for parents and educators to discuss themes of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity with children. It sparks conversations about standing up against bullying and the positive impact that kindness can have on individuals and communities.


In conclusion, “The Recess Queen” is a heartwarming book that delivers a powerful message about the importance of kindness, friendship, and inclusion. It is a must-read for children, reminding them of the positive impact they can have by treating others with respect and compassion.

Book Features

Format: Paperback, Hardcover, eBook Language: English
Suitable Age: 4 – 8 years old
Reading Levels: Preschool – 3rd Grade

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