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Unleash Creativity: Embrace Imperfection with ‘Ish’ by Peter H. Reynolds

The cover of "Ish" with a child's drawing of a vase that doesn't look quite right.

Embrace imperfection and celebrate creativity with this heartwarming story about art and self-expression.


About this Story

"Creativity, Self-expression, Acceptance."​

“Ish” by Peter H. Reynolds is a delightful children’s book that captures the essence of creativity, self-expression, and acceptance. It encourages readers to embrace their unique talents and the beauty of imperfection.


The story follows Ramon, a young boy who loves to draw. When his confidence is shattered by his brother’s criticism, he doubts his abilities. However, a wise and supportive teacher introduces him to the concept of “ish.”

Through “ish,” Reynolds conveys the idea that art and life don’t have to be perfect. Ramon learns to let go of self-doubt and embraces the joy of creating art that captures essence and feeling.


The whimsical illustrations in “Ish” complement the heartwarming narrative. Reynolds’ use of colors and imaginative drawings engages readers visually and emotionally.


“Ish” delivers a powerful message about self-expression and acceptance. It encourages readers to embrace creativity, not fear mistakes, and celebrate imperfection. This book is a must-read for all ages, reminding us that being “ish” is a wonderful way to approach life.

Book Features

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Suitable Age: 4 – 8 years
Reading Levels: Preschool – 3rd grade

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